Organ Harvester (3)Full unit name: Organ Harvester
Last updated: 15.09.2024 22:29:22
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
"Are you deaf? I asked for Iridonian hearts! Not Rodian, not Ithorian! Iridonian!"
"What do you want me to do, put 'em back?"
"Try stealing a brain. You could use one."
"Haha. Now look, this stuff's starting to get ripe. You want 'em or not?"
- Two organ harvesters on Nar Shaddaa
Organ harvesters were individuals who engaged in the practice of illegally removing organs from beings who had recently died - usually killed by the organ harvesters themselves - and selling them to anyone willing to pay them. Organ harvesters would surgically remove the organs, properly store and transport them so that they could be transplanted into another living being. All illegal medical facilities purchased organs from organ harvesters, and even some legitimate medical clinics were known to do so, turning a blind eye to where the organs came from. The practice was illegal in most parts of the galaxy, and organ harvesters were often considered criminals, but since it was so profitable, it was far from extinct.


Organizations that have assigned this role to their members
Known droid models this role was assigned to
KCPD-A01 Assassin Droid
Complete list

Full unit name: Organ Harvester Last updated: 15.09.2024 22:29:22